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Health Tips To Manage Stress

Before writing this article, I asked my colleagues how they manage stress since our job is one that requires longer periods of sitting behind the computer and late night sleeps. Everyone gets stressed after a hard day’s work and retailers are not an exception. Retailers in my opinion are at high risk of getting stressed due to the nature of their work. Their desire to satisfy the expectations of their customers with the right goods and to grow their business is their priority and they tend to forget to take care of themselves. Stress can take a toll on your physical, mental and emotional health if not managed. Here are a few tips on how to manage stress to ensure that you are physically and mentally fit to grow your business.

Exercise regularly

Exercise improves your general health and also helps to release endorphins into your body to relieve you of pain and enable you to have sound sleep.

Understanding that you do not have control over everything

Retailers need to accept that sometimes, they have to let some situations slide because they can’t do anything about them. If possible, delegate some of your duties to others so you don’t become stressed out.

Get enough rest and sleep

Most retailers do not take a rest or get enough sleep because they are also alert to transact with customers, follow goods they have ordered from suppliers, find market strategies and try to figure out how to compete with competitors. Resting or sleeping rejuvenates and refreshes the body to do more thus retailers should set aside some time to sleep and rest.

Indulge in hobbies of interest

All retailers think about daily is getting more customers and the growth of their business. Some do not have hobbies and those who do, don’t even indulge in it. Sometimes, watching a movie, listening to music or reading a book can help to relax your brain for it to function better.

Eat a healthy balanced meal

80% of retailers do not eat a balanced diet. They are always in a hurry to leave home or attend to their customers and usually rely on easy foods or junk foods which are not healthy for the body. You can plan your meals, prepare and take them along to your shop.

Moderate the usage of stress-relieving medications and alcohol

Stress-relieving medications are drugs that help to relieve stress. They are very effective against stress but have very dangerous side effects. One of such side-effects to take note is addiction. Anti-stress medications have to be used moderately and taken in consultation with a physician in order to avoid experiencing the adverse side effects. So talk to your doctor about your stress problems, and let them help you with the best medical advice they can provide you. If the therapy given involves the use of drugs, it must be done with constant health check ups and dialoguing with a health professional. It is not advisable to go on seeking for stress-relieving medications and falling on them anytime you want to deal with stress. The non-pharmacological approach which is an approach without the use of medications should be exploited to help you release stress while keeping your body safe as well. 

Alcohol on the other hand is an agent that people normally rely on to reduce their stress. Just like stress-relieving medications it has to be taken in moderation or best avoided because of it’s harmful side effects. 

Stress is bound to come in our line of work and we should also be prepared to manage it so that it doesn’t affect our physical and mental health.

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