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Goshen Supermarket: Making sure every sale is captured and avoiding employee theft.

Shop Name: Goshen Supermarket

Location: Winneba, Central Region – Ghana.

Industry: Supermarket & Groceries

The Dangerous Problem

Goshen Supermarket has been in operation for over 10 years. A supermarket that everybody in the community loves to buy from, but Maa Julie hated the way transactions were never captured or recorded, and also feared that her sales attendants could easily steal from her without her noticing.

Furthermore, as a woman who is very serious about growing her business, she was also very interested in a solution that could help her graphically capture the performance of her shop over the course of time. Being in operation for over 10 years with no historical insight on the performance of the business all those years felt like a disaster waiting to happen.

She also wanted a solution that could inform her when her items were running out. For a supermarket such as hers, ensuring that items do not run out totally is extremely crucial for her.

How We Met Maa Julie & Our Solution For Her Business

We met Maa Julie through a referral from one of our reseller partners who believed that our solution could really help her tackle her operational problems. This is what we did for her:

  1. We deployed a new computer system running the Sumundi Keepsales shop management software.
  2. We conducted a rigorous stock count to capture all the items in the shop together with their appropriate quantities into Sumundi Keepsales.
  3. We took her through training together with her staff and created individual accounts for each of them. This was to help her know who sold what at each point in time.

The Results

Through the power of our technology, Maa Julie is now able to maintain tight monitoring on her products and sales with so much ease. She immediately notices any stock discrepancies that emerges and is able to hold her sales attendants accountable.  

  • Ending of all possible employee theft.
  • 85% increase in inventory management efficiency. Thus, 85% less time spent in doing the same inventory managerial work.
  • 90% decrease in the time it takes to identify stock which is running low.
  • 360 degree insight into the shop’s sales performance month on month.

At this point, Maa Julie is able to closely monitor her shop even when she is away. She is also enjoying the flexibility of being able to simultaneously deal with newly supplied stock as sales go on.

A Word From Maa Julie:

I don’t think I will be this confident with the sales activities in my shop without Sumundi Keepsales. The ease of use of the platform, the time it saves me and how much I’m able to closely monitor the shop’s performance is a total life saver.

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