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Spendlove Boutique: Removing the headache of notebooks record keeping.

Shop Name: Spendlove Boutique

Location: Haatso, Accra – Ghana.

Industry: Fashion & Beauty

The Dangerous Problem

Spendlove Boutique is a big boutique located at Haatso, Accra. You can get a ton of perfume selections, men’s clothing and shoes, women’s clothing and shoes. You can even enjoy a wide selection of jewellery, but unfortunately, all their sales and inventory records could be found in stacks of huge notebooks.

At their pace, they’d probably have ended up with an entire library of notebooks with transactional records. To add to this, Mr. Joseph, the owner will spend hours adding up daily sales, weekly sales and everything in between. 

He was distressed and greatly in search of a solution to eliminate this enormous headache of notebooks record keeping.

How We Met Mr. Joseph & Our Solution For His Business

Mr. Joseph was introduced to Sumundi by a reseller partner and that is where the journey to solving his record keeping headache began. The strategies outlined below are how we helped him get rid of the notebooks:

  1. Deployed a new computer system running the Sumundi Keepsales shop management software.
  2. Conducted a rigorous stock count to capture all the items (clothes, perfumes, shoes etc.) in the boutique together with their appropriate quantities into Sumundi Keepsales.
  3. For a while, we allowed Sumundi Keepsales to be used hand in hand with the notebooks to ensure a smooth migration and adaptation. After a few weeks, the entire Spendlove team fully and confidently migrated to Sumundi Keepsales for their daily records and they haven’t looked back since then.

The Results

Before, Mr. Joseph used to spend hours calculating his daily sales and fetching his account records, but now he spends less than half the time doing that.

  • Increase in the efficiency of record keeping by over 90%. Mr. Joseph could spend hours calculating his sales. Now he can do that in a matter of seconds.

A Word From Mr. Joseph:

Sumundi Keepsales is extremely easy and straightforward to use. At just a click, I get to see all the sales the shop has made. Together with the regular stock taking I perform in the shop, I’m always in the know of what is going on with the business. I am really impressed with Sumundi Keepsales.

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